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Dyslexia is most commonly associated with trouble learning to read. It affects a child’s ability to recognize and manipulate the sounds in language. Kids with dyslexia have a hard time decoding new words, or breaking them down into manageable chunks they can then sound out. This causes difficulty with reading, writing and spelling. They may compensate by memorizing words, but they’ll have trouble recognizing new words and may be slow in retrieving even familiar ones.


Dyslexia is not a reflection of a child’s intelligence — in fact it’s defined as a gap between a student’s ability and achievement.


It is estimated that as many as one in five kids has dyslexia, and that 80 to 90 percent of kids with learning disorders have it. Dr. Sally Shaywitz, co-director of the Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity, notes that many children go undiagnosed as struggles in school are incorrectly attributed to intelligence, level of effort or environmental factors.




Dyslexia Information Websites

Apps Recommended for kids with Dyslexia

Apps available in the Apple App Store & Android Play Store. 

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Dyslexic students (and adults) use Omoguru to make the text more readable and decode words with ease. Omoguru Reader is a reading tool for dyslexics that improves reading skills in an enjoyable way. For people with dyslexia, the ability to read and understand text can be affected by the way in which text has been written and produced. Omoguru improves readability and better visual impact for all readers, but especially those with dyslexia. 

Otsimo Special Education

Otsimo Special Education is one of the most critical tools to help people with dyslexia improve their reading skills and manage the challenges. When your child plays Otsimo Special Education regularly, his/her reading skills will improve. There are selected games to specifically help the problem of dyslexia. 

Learning path designed as a personalized curriculum that is shaped according to the child’s level and preferences.

Claro Scan Pen

Claro Scan Pen has users take a photo of a printed text document, letter, or exam paper so that they can then select text using a finger (or stylus) and hear it spoken aloud instantly. No internet connection is required.

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